Transitioning Empowerment Training Program
In life, we are always moving through transitions and change, just at varying levels and different times. 2020 was a year of learning how to accept change, especially when it is not consciously chosen. In this training we will be focusing upon creating a foundational basis of stability and master tools to help move through transitions in an empowered way. Focusing upon releasing old patterns and habits that are no longer serving you and developing effective practices to support your mind, body and soul in your everyday life will be achieved. During the process, you will create a more consistent platform for being happy and balanced within your life, so that you can be the healthiest, joyful version of you!
We will start by exploring your belief systems, how they were created and if they are assisting you or blocking you from achieving your highest good. Delving into a deeper understanding of the body and how it works through breathwork, yoga, movement and meditation will establish a stronger connection with your nervous system and help you stay in a more balanced and mindful state. Exploration into understanding how energy works within your body and in the outside world is a vital component to stepping out of a victim mindset; therefore, we will focus upon owning the life choices and situations occurring by stepping into a more self-assured and confident state of being.
Through this process, we will identify the monkey mind and the different voices of judgements that may arise within your life when dealing with various people, experiences and situations. This will result in being able to distinguish what reality is versus our projections and thoughts of fear. When we’re able to silence our voices of judgements and fears, a new level of self-love, self-acceptance and self-empowerment can be achieved as there is much more available to us. Letting go of fear creates an opening to see new realities that could be possible when we’re not holding ourselves back. Suddenly our limitations are gone and anything is attainable. At the end of this program, you will find within yourself a new level of peace, gratitude and acceptance of your creations in life and you will become the master of your creations, regardless of what is happening around you!
This is a 12 week long program that will include:
Weekly webinar lectures
Group & individual break out discussions
Private online group for questions, ongoing discussions & integration
Accountability practices & check-ins
Weekly yoga & meditation classes
2 private, 1 hour coaching sessions
Vision quest journey
You will receive curriculum for each section one week prior.
The total investment for this course $1,500. Payment plans are available upon request.
Contact me for the next upcoming program dates!